Materials testing machines
Custom Test Equipment
Design and manufacture of customized test equipment for applications according to the special requirements of the client
About microtest
MICROTEST supplies a complete range of high-quality testing systems for static, dynamic & fatigue, torsion, creep, impact, rheometry, wear & friction, and hardness & indentation testing among others.
The core competence of MICROTEST lies in the design and manufacturing of customized materials testing systems and solutions as per individual requirements so that our customers do not have to compromise with their testing challenges.
Our standard materials testing machines and accessories can be reengineered or fully customized to suit customer-specific requirements.
Moreover, our team of highly-experienced engineers is capable of developing custom solutions for materials or component
Solutions for all Industries
We offer solutions for all types of industries, from automotive companies, metal, paper, cardboard, plastics, wood… to aeronautical companies.
Service & Support
Test Equipment Calibration and Verification
Microtest S.A. It has a calibration laboratory for force transducers and force-generating test machines.
Our range of capabilities allow us to calibrate and verify the vast majority of our material testing systems either in our laboratory or on site with your machine.
Our calibration laboratory provides state-of-the-art calibration services with continually expanding capabilities to ensure quality service.
Upgrade and repair of testing machines
At MICROTEST S.A. we modernize any obsolete testing machine.
We will offer you solutions and budget to the logical problems that are derived from the passage of time.
Testing machines are not eternal but we will try to extend their useful life with our modernizations.
Upgrading your testing machines to be able to use the latest technologies will allow you to increase productivity, reduce staff and improve the reliability of your results.
Maintenance of testing machines
Our testing systems and accessories are of the highest quality standards. Nevertheless, it is strongly recommended to arrange for regular maintenance in order to ensure a long lifespan.
Maintenance not only includes cleaning, greasing and adjustments, but also an inspection of the bearings’ ability to run and of possible wear.
Additionally, our service staff substitutes worn parts, calibrates the machine and tests its functionality in order to ensure that the testing machine is fit for any future testing tasks.
Technical advice for testing machines
Comprehensive and competent advice is essential to find the right solution for your materials testing.
Request information and find out how we can help you develop a support program according to your budget and the needs of your business.
Technical support
Technical support for your MICROTEST testing machines.
Our technical support system by phone or email is designed to help you determine if there is a failure or defect that requires repair or software updates.
Featured products
Customized testing machines and solutions for all industries
At MICROTEST our priority is to develop the activity of design, manufacture, marketing and maintenance of testing machines and their components. Complete the form and we will be in touch!
Let’s Talk About Your Project
Responsable del tratamiento: MICROTEST S.A. Finalidad: gestionar el envío de información y prospección comercial, relacionada con nuestros servicios y/o productos. Legitimación: consentimiento explícito del interesado. Destinatarios: no vendemos ningún tipo de información personal. Solo se comparte información con terceras partes que adoptan una adecuada confidencialidad y medidas de seguridad. Puede consultar más detalles en nuestra política de privacidad. Derechos: podrá ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, limitación de tratamiento, supresión, portabilidad y oposición al tratamiento de sus datos de carácter personal, así como a la retirada del consentimiento prestado para el tratamiento de los mismos. Información adicional: puede consultar la información detallada sobre Protección de Datos en nuestra política de privacidad.